Grant Mongardi
531a Country Way, Scituate, MA 02066 (781)544-3387

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Code Samples
Although much of the code that I have written over the years has long since disappeared, I have found various packages and snippets that you may find of interest. I have posted them here for your consideration.

Perl Modules (OOP):
   Config::DynaConf - A Perl object used to read cfg files.

Perl scripts:
   NeonDB™ Bits - Parts of the IN-PROGESS NeonDB database package.
   NeonBase™ - a configurable flat-file web database package.
   PageEdit - a very old script used to edit static web pages.

Perl snippets: - a re-write I am working on for NeonBase™. - a dispatch system for dynamic code blurbs.

JavaScript snippets: - Snippets of JavaScript code.

C Code:
   Universal Language Library (ULL) - a simple l10n catalog system. - Some 8051C embedded system code.

Over time, more samples will be posted at this page.

Here is a list of some of the systems I have experience with. I have worked on all of these systems, however, some of it may have been for admin purposes only.

   Sun Solaris (up to v8)
   HP-UX v??
   DEC/Compaq True64 up to 4.0d
   RedHat Linux 7.x and 6.2
   FreeBSD v4? 3.8?
   PC/MS-DOS 2.0 to v7
   Windows 1.0 to 3.1 for Workgroups
   Win95 and Win98
   WinNT and Win2000
   8051 embedded microprocessor
   DeskView X

Here is a list of some of the applications I have experience with. These are only the ones that I have written software for.

   Apache, iPlanet, and Tomcat
   OpenLDAP, iPlanet Directory (directory services)
   MySQL Enterprise Database
   XBase/CSV services through DBI
   MRTG (network monitoring utility)
   LSF (Load Sharing Facility)
   IIS and Tomcat
   MySQL Enterprise Database
   XBase/CSV services through DBI
   ODBC services for Access and Excel

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